
Last Call

This is it guys. I am prepared to give up on new music if I can't find anything that I love about it soon. This is'nt a dry spell, this is a dry curse (about 4 years). I hate being this finicky about music. It so frustrating. Derek Webb is my current flavor, but I've liked Caedmon's Call for a long time.
I want something refreshing. Something that speaks to my soul like Waterdeep and Webb, but new. I fear that I am going to be one of those guys who talks about how music was so good ten years ago, but has become stale and cliche'. Oh wait, I already do that.

Where is the creative nature of God's spirit in music today?

Now, I don't want to start a war here. As far as I know, I haven't liked a band that anyone has sugested to me within the last 4 years, save a few bands that I enjoy in spurts. I want to listen to a record straight through, and barbarically scream out "hell yes" after the session. I want to weep, laugh, and get really excited when they come to my city for a concert. Help my heart please.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like you would really like Dave Matthews Band. Have you heard of them?

Blogger Jason said...

yeah, hey that sounds great, except I only like bands that sound like U2, so I probably wont be giving Dave a chance. Especially his older stuff. Speaking of older stuff, wheres my stuff?

Blogger Spoon said...

Face it, man, you're an old fart now. What music meant to you as a young man was a product of your inexperience, the soundtrack of your journey of growth into manhood. Now that you've arrived, you'll probably never find another band that does it for you like the bands of your youth did. In fact, you've probably noticed that none of those bands mean the same thing to you anymore. Maybe it's time to look for something different in music.

What is that thing is the question we all face. I think you're on the right track with classical and jazz. I'd wager that your educated mind has moved beyond rock as the highest form of fulfilment.

Blogger Jason said...

You certainly are right concerning music, I think. Chris probably went through his "music-sucks-now" phase with bands like Nirvana and Rage Against The Machine. These were certainly the musicians of my adolecence, and became, to an extent, my soundtrack to manhood. these bands definitly don't mean as much to me now that I have bills and a full time job.

Concerning the "rock" statement, a part of me wants to agree that rock is in fact lesser in musical fulfillment. That seems like a very easy statement for me to agree with. But I want to make sure. I don't want to give up on it, because Its definition in itself has been augmented by people over the years(a great example , in my humble and loving poinion, is Chris saying that David Gray's Babalon is rock, which I would dissagree with). Maybe its not rock that I have a problem with. Maybe its the way this generation has defined it.

Blogger Jason said...


man I love you. I love you because you are so different from other people your own age. at least the people I know. I find it sometimes bizzare, but usually amazing that you have loved U2 longer then they have been a band, and probably will until death do you apart.
I also don't know if you like Nirvana or Rage Against the machine, and I wasn't trying to say one way or the other. I was looking for examples.
I am also glad, and a bit envious that rock can touch you the way it does. I want that again. But I don't want it at the expense of maturity. And it can't be illgotten. It must be real, and breathtaking. Like falling in love. I will check out Acrobat and The Scientist. Thanks for the tips, and the wisdom.


Do you really think David Grey is rock?

Blogger Jason said...

I will respond soon to your last response, but please allow me to respond to one response now.

At least you get cool nick names. One can only hear the term "Stanigas" so much before he breaks into a anxious desire for something like "Chrispix."
I think you will look back at "Chrispix" as the golden age. Am I way off?

Blogger Jason said...

Yes Chris,
rock is subjective. I was talking to my room mate about this discussion, and we both came to this same conclusion.
I think I may be on the "up and up," now. Rock is like mercury; always changing, and always moving.
What it can't become for me is "mindless." It must continue to have value. I think rock predominently becomes mindless for the majority of any given generation. I think this is why many people listen to the radio. They don't care whats on, they just want noise that they can ignore. This attitude turned me off to popular music four years ago, and still disgusts me now.
But as I said earlier, I think I am on the "up and up." I downloaded "Acrobat," and liked it so much that I might get the whole album. I also decided to give Pedro the Lion a try, and am finding it to be pretty cool.
Have you heard the soundtrack to "lost In Translation?" I find that collection to be very valuable.
I would say that david Gray falls into the genre of "Sad Bastard Music." (This is truely a joke, and the movie "High Fidelity" should be refrenced).
Ok, so I have ITunes right now, and I really dont like using it (because I hate paying 99 cents a song). Do I have any alternatives? Any free alternatives? Any free alternatives that won't infect my computer?
I really appreciate your input. It has become valuble to me, and I hope to be a good steward of it for the years to come.

Blogger Jason said...

Ok, I downloaded the yahoo engine, but it wont let me open the program. Its frustrating, but I hope to get it figured out. I will let you know what I think, when I can actually use it.

thanks for the tip

Blogger Spoon said...

I haven't made it all the way through the comments yet, but I'd like to clarify that the point of the second part of what I said is this: it's futile to try to recapture what music used to mean. That's not to say that it will never be meaningful again (Chrispix), but it will be different. When I talk about "rock," I mean rock, hip-hop, folk, blues, electronica, acoustic, etc. If you hang your musical life on it, especially one form, you'll have a pretty shallow experience; music has to be understood and appreciated in context, culturally, historically, and personally. No way did I mean to give up on it; I still love it. I only think the wisened mind understands it differently.

Blogger Jason said...

Ok Chris,
Yahoo didn't work, for whatever reason, so I went with rhapsody, and I think its pretty cool, except the selection seems limited. I like the prices of the dowloads, and everything seems to stream smoothly. I purchased "Achtung, Baby", and will give it a listen.

Spoon, I too missunderstood what your last point was, so I too am glad you clarified.


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