
Where Is Josh's Blog?

You know, ever since I started reading Firelance and WYL@TWWIITYS?, in the back of my mind, there is this lingering desire....

Desire can be detrimental to a man. Or a woman I guess. But I am not a woman, so I will speak as a man. Desire has brought down many a mighty character in this pantomime of life. Great people like VI Lenin and Gary Busey.

But my desires seem to be those akin to a simple man on a simple weblog. I want Josh's blog.

Now, maybe I am an idiot, and just haven't taken the time to find Josh's blog, but I am pretty sure that Spoon would provide the convience of a link for me. And he hasn't. So whats the prob fellas?



Blogger Spoon said...

A few of us are also wondering--what happened to the Televangelischim post? Were you contacted by Robertson's legal department?

Blogger Jason said...

That post got deleted. I am not sure that those are the type of posts I want to have, so I got rid of it. Author's prerogotive I suspect. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Blogger Spoon said...

That Firesword is unrivaled in its resplendence. Good form. All that remains is to find one of Eric Estrada riding a comet. What's with the elf ear?

Blogger Jason said...

The elf ear is a symbol of power in the world of Azeroth. As a "Night elf," one is afforded many impressive racial-based attributes such as increased wisp speed, and a higher roll percentage concerning "nature dammage resistance."

In short, the elf ears are present because my character on World of Warcraft is a Night Elf Hunter.

World of Warcraft, incidently, is the most widely played video game in the world right now, boasting literally millions of online players who probably don't have jobs or girl friends.


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