

Refugees in Iowa

I want to introduce you to Marta Moses, her daughter Jeneba, and her nephew Alpha. Marta comes from Liberia, where she lived in a refugee camp with many of her family members. Her husband worked for the government in Sierra Leon, when civil war broke out in the area. Because of her husbands position, they imediatly fled to Liberia, where they spent 11 years in a refugee camp.
Marta hasn't seen her husband in 5 years. He went to get suplies one day, and didn't come back. Marta now lives in Des Moines with Jeneba and Alpha, and works as a cashier at a retail store.

It was so painful to look into Marta's eyes as she told us the stories of abuse and persecution at the camp. Her eyes swelled, along with mine, when she explained that her faith in Christ was what made life bearable in such horrible conditions.

Marta, Jeneba, and Alpha are one of many families in Des Moines who have been displaced by War. Please pray for them as they are still adjusting to an entirely new culture.

I am really excited about some ideas that Chuck and Sue Holcomb have regarding the influx of displaced people in Des Moines. There has been quite a lot of discussion regarding documenting their stories in order to bring awareness locally, and well beyond. I am very interested in these ideas, and hope to be involved in any project proposed. Please pray for Chuck, Sue, and anyone that will (or should) be involved. Pray for all of us, as we effect each others lives.



The Roseless Rose Garden

Being inspired by Clay Gaspard, I decided to spend some time trying to figure out my digital camera.



Fisher of Fish: My Roomate "T Spoon"



Last Call

This is it guys. I am prepared to give up on new music if I can't find anything that I love about it soon. This is'nt a dry spell, this is a dry curse (about 4 years). I hate being this finicky about music. It so frustrating. Derek Webb is my current flavor, but I've liked Caedmon's Call for a long time.
I want something refreshing. Something that speaks to my soul like Waterdeep and Webb, but new. I fear that I am going to be one of those guys who talks about how music was so good ten years ago, but has become stale and cliche'. Oh wait, I already do that.

Where is the creative nature of God's spirit in music today?

Now, I don't want to start a war here. As far as I know, I haven't liked a band that anyone has sugested to me within the last 4 years, save a few bands that I enjoy in spurts. I want to listen to a record straight through, and barbarically scream out "hell yes" after the session. I want to weep, laugh, and get really excited when they come to my city for a concert. Help my heart please.



Bring Back that Bucket of Ice Cubes, and Switch it to a Pitching Wedge

I played golf today for the first time in a long time. I was fairly happy with my score, considering I hadn't hit a ball in about eleven months. I finished the 18th hole at 68 strokes, which sounds great right away. The problem is that we only played the back 9, which means that I had an average of around 8 strokes a hole. Man I miss FOOF Golf. I play better under those conditions.



Where Is Josh's Blog?

You know, ever since I started reading Firelance and WYL@TWWIITYS?, in the back of my mind, there is this lingering desire....

Desire can be detrimental to a man. Or a woman I guess. But I am not a woman, so I will speak as a man. Desire has brought down many a mighty character in this pantomime of life. Great people like VI Lenin and Gary Busey.

But my desires seem to be those akin to a simple man on a simple weblog. I want Josh's blog.

Now, maybe I am an idiot, and just haven't taken the time to find Josh's blog, but I am pretty sure that Spoon would provide the convience of a link for me. And he hasn't. So whats the prob fellas?
